
Churches Together Somerset - Mission News

Tuesday, 25 September 2018 08:03
The 6 Presidents of Churches Together in England and more than 240 delegates met over the 17th -19th September at the The Hayes conference centre in Derbyshire for its Forum, with its the theme of…

A refugee's story

Monday, 10 September 2018 08:05
Journeymen Theatre Company are bringing a production of 'The Bundle' to Weston-super-Mare on Sunday 16 September at 2pm. All interested parties are invited to come. The performance moves from the tradition of the folk story…

A weekend with Daniel Black

Tuesday, 21 August 2018 08:07
Daniel Black will be visiting Weston-super-Mare on Saturday 15th September for the 'Heart of God' Conference - 10.30am til 4.30pm. The date is mid-way through an international itinerary of events and speaking engagements for Daniel.…
The conversion of a Weston drop-in centre to a night assessment centre for the homeless could soon be underway, as plans have been submitted this week. An increase in homelessness in Weston in the past year…
We are delighted to invite everyone to a meeting hosted at St Pauls Church, Walliscote Road, WSM on 18 July being Chaired by Ruth Worsley, the Bishop of Taunton. This is a chance for those…
World renowned composer, worship leader and violinist, Ruth Fazal will be visiting St Paul's Church, Walliscote Road, Weston-super-Mare on Monday 16 July 2018 at 7.30pm. The evening of intimate worship is entitled: 'Dry Bones Coming…

Prayer on the Hill 2018

Friday, 15 June 2018 08:09
Prayer on the Hill is an annual gathering organised by a branch of Churches Together in Weston-super-Mare called 'LOVE WESTON'. Our aim is to encourage each of us to pray and show practical care for…

Good Friday 2018 - March of Witness

Tuesday, 27 March 2018 08:13
We would welcome local people to join our united Easter March of Witness on Good Friday 30th March 2018.   Members from many of the 38 Weston-super-Mare and District Churches will be taking part in…

2018 Easter Sunrise Service

Tuesday, 27 March 2018 08:12
The Easter Sunday early morning service is to be held on Sunday 1st April 2018, at 6.30am at Emmanuel Church, Oxford Street - followed by breakfast. Due to the weather forecast, we will not be…

Churches Together Emergency Night Shelter

Thursday, 01 March 2018 08:14
Churches in Weston-super-Mare have come together at short notice to provide a temporary but very necessary solution for people living on the town’s streets in the extremely cold weather conditions by opening an ad-hoc night…
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