InCrisis Info Sheet (Updated 31/10/2023)
Churches Together in Somerset
Churches Together in SomersetCHURCHES TOGETHER IN SOMERSET seeks
- to provide both information and a personal link with local ecumenical groups, Councils of Churches and Churches Together and churches in a local area working together on a more informal basis.
- to encourage and nurture all local ecumenism in the area and to initiate such activity where appropriate.
- to maintain communication with Churches Together in England, the Council of Churches for Britain and Ireland, and the World Council of Churches and the ecumenical movement in the wider Church and between local ecumenism and the parent denominational bodies.
- to encourage and enable the formation of new Local Ecumenical Partnerships and Local Covenants and to be the first source of reference for advice, approval and support.
Churches Together in England
Churches Together in EnglandChurches Together in England is the national ecumenical instrument supporting and encouraging churches from a wide range of traditions to work together in unity.
Our vision is to create the space in which fruitful collaboration and mutual understanding can grow, so that we as churches work more closely together in our great task of sharing in God’s mission and making the gospel of Christ known in our nation.
Our strapline is: One in Christ Jesus, engaged in God’s mission, empowered by the Spirit.
Churches Together in Britain and Ireland
many churches, one purpose
Churches Together in Britain and IrelandThere are many different Christian churches and denominations, but all have the same basic calling – to worship God, to share the good news about Jesus Christ and to work for the good of all people.
So they often need to work together, as well as co-ordinate the work they each do separately. When they do, they are acting as Churches Together.
But being Churches Together means more than that. It means commitment by each church and denomination to deepen its fellowship with the others and, without losing what makes each interestingly different, to work with them towards a greater visible unity.